Why is Your Cross Heavier?

When you feel that your burdens are just too heavy to bear

Photo by Werner Volmari on Unsplash

Have you ever felt those times when the cross you’re carrying seems heavier than it should be? Much heavier than you can bear? Much heavier than the crosses other people are carrying?

Why do some crosses appear to be far easier? And why do some appear to be so huge and heavy that our trust upon God’s love and justice is shaken to its very core?

We see rich, beautiful people whose only problem seems to be the next orders they’re going to pick from the menu. And then we see beggars who don’t even have a place to sleep at when night falls. We see famous people throwing their money away by gambling. And then we see parents doing back-breaking work day after day, just so they could send their children to school. We see corrupt politicians. And then we see cancer victims, fighting for their next breath, not knowing how they’re going to provide for the family they’re going to leave behind.

Where indeed is fairness in this life? Where is the easy yoke we have been promised to bear? Is God already playing favorites here? Why a heavier cross to bear?

Oftentimes, when people start asking these questions, the only response they get is something like one of these:

“God works in…

