keyi malone
The Cedar Times
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2022

Mother nature is a bizarre thing that can make some of the world's most beautiful plants, animals, and landscapes. Well, today we're not gonna focus on that. I’m gonna look at the ugliest, nastiest, and most terrifying animals that God could create; here’s a list. Side note: One, this is my personal opinion, and two, to any animal lovers out there - it’s not my fault they look like this, alright?


I’m pretty sure everyone knows what this thing is: large nose, droopy face, and has the consistency of gelatin. I really didn’t know this thing has bones; that surprises me because I just thought it didn’t have bones. The reason why this thing isn't farther down the list is first, many people know what it looks like so, therefore, won’t be startled when they see one. Second, the list gets worse the more you go down!


Welp, I warned you that it gets worse! What we have here is the hammerhead bat. They mostly eat fruits and live in central Africa. Although they don't pose any direct threat to humans, they could be carriers of Ebola, so that’s not good. They also have a wingspan of 38 inches, which is horrifying. If this thing flies in my house forget knocking it out of the sky, I’m shooting it out of the sky!


Next up is the star-nosed mole. This thing’s nose resembles a star, the rest of their body is pretty normal. They have really bad eyesight and are extremely fast. They also use the nerves on their noses to find worms underground or sniff underwater. I'm not really sure how that’s possible, but somehow they do it.


So evolution was a mistake for this fish. This is a pacu and they look somewhat normal until you see its teeth. That’s when you go “sweet mother of god what is this?” You gave fish something that a fish shouldn't have: human teeth.


I don't really need to explain this, but also kinda do. These things are terrifying; they look as if someone shaved a bird halfway and gave it a questionably anatomical chin and a flesh tumor on its back. They mostly live in Saharan Africa and fun fact: one of these birds took shelter in a Florida zoo bathroom because… Florida.


You knew this thing was going to be on this list! The hyena is one of the unluckiest animals ever. Well, except with female hyenas and babies, the females are bigger and meaner and males have rundown teeth from biting bones and getting harassed by females and getting murked by every big canine or big cat. Not to mention, the females decide who mates so a lot of hyenas go through life without mating. Nature does not care about hyenas.


Now, these Satan pets are funnel-web spiders. They may not look that big and scary, but they’re on this list just for how terrifying they are and the damage they could do. First off, they can kill you in 15 minutes after being bitten and their fangs can tear into the skin, but that’s not the most worse thing about these things. Their venom is more dangerous to humans than other primates, so this thing is designed to kill people. Plus, not much of a surprise, it's in Australia of course.


Just when I thought that nature couldn’t get worse, it does with this thing! They’re called lamprey eels which is ironic considering they’re more related to parasites than eels. They latch on to anything and suck out the blood until death comes to the fish. They can kill up to 40 or more pounds of fish, so long story short, these things are basically much bigger leaches


This thing is a horseshoe bat. It’s weird, it eats insects, it lives over in Europe, Paris, and Tokyo, and its nose looks a bashed-in. They have a high chance of carrying coronavirus and its strands which are highly contagious. Also, they have human lips, so…yeah.


Finally, we have this um…thing. It’s a naked mole-rat, which is terrifying to look at; if it had hair, it wouldn’t be that bad. Not to mention they have very weird behavior; they have a queen that gives birth to 30 or more pups. Not bad, right? Wrong! Unlike other colonies where the queen gives birth to her children, these things inbreed with each other, siblings or not. Also, they kidnap other mole-rat children.

So to wrap things up, mother nature is terrifying, but to be fair nature has its up and downs. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed this, because I didn't. I felt sick to my stomach while writing this!

