How to Deal with High School Stress

The Cedar Times EiC
The Cedar Times
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2020


The beginning of the school year usually starts out pretty easy for everyone. Gradually however, as school starts coming to a close it becomes noticabley more difficult.

The end of the school year can be pretty rough for all students.

Anyone in school can relate to the stress that the end of the year brings on, and it can be from major assignments, important tests, and big projects.

It can sure make you lose your touch and fall behind.

Consequences of late work can lead to a bad grade or no grade at all, and in result you are under a lot of stress.

When students undergo a work overload, it often brings stress along with it. Most times stress can come in the form of inner turmoil, lack of sleep, and an unclear mindset, just to list a few.

Here are a few tips for students to help deal with school related stress:

  • Keep track of due dates
  • Study before tests/quizzes
  • Be organized
  • Ask teachers for help
  • Do the work
  • Pay attention

High school can be a struggle for anyone, so remember that even if the year starts out relatively easy, it can definetly get much harder.

With that saying, if you are feeling overwhelmed try to remember to use your voice and ask for help — don’t ignore the state of your mental health for something temporary.

Enjoy your school year, you got this!

