Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition

The Cedar Times EiC
The Cedar Times
Published in
2 min readNov 8, 2019


The Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition is an educational program for families in Pennsylvania that are breast cancer survivors. It also deals with legislative advocacy and Breast Cancer Research.

President Pat Halpin-Murphy founded the Coalition in June of 1993. Murphy made it her mission to find a cure for men and women who are diagnosed with breast cancer.

The coalition offers a lot of opportunities for everyone involved. They even allow students to go to programs like CARES, which gives students a chance to learn more about the science behind breast cancer. In addition, the The Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition holds conferences for students where they can meet survivors, and experience a research lab in action.

It was a privilege to meet such strong survivors who battled this disease — one of them being Mrs.Rivera, the library aid, from the Lebanon High School.

As a four time cancer survivor, Mrs.Rivera has her own saying she would like to share, “I believe in the power of faith. I consider myself very blessed in life. I live in the present. I dream of the future. I wake up grateful for each day. I go to bed thankful every night. I pray for a cure! I am a survivor!”

Mrs.Rivera keeps on fighting, and never gives up. So to all of you, don’t give up. Keep fighting; you can do it — whatever ‘it’ is!

