Survival Guide

keyi malone
The Cedar Times
Published in
5 min readApr 6, 2022

BY KEYI MALONE — Staff Writer

Hello and welcome to Survival Guide, a bundle of stories! Each of these stories will involve horror, gore, bugs, and more. If you're not a fan of that, then viewer description is advised!



Threat Level: Safe

Description: Gum drillers are parasitic centipedes that have hair on top of them and a drill-like mouth that can grow up to 10 inches in length.

Survival Guide: These things have a tendency of digging their way up into the gum of a person’s mouth, and after ten minutes of burrowing deep into the gums will cause the victim’s teeth to fall out. Their mouth is basically a home to thousands of parasitic slimy centipedes, but good news! You’ll get new teeth. Bad news is that the new teeth are the centipedes that made themselves home in your teeth. To avoid this, don’t eat any expired food or sleep with your mouth open!


Vengeful Prosecutors

Threat Level: 3

Description: Vengeful prosecutors is a business card that has a number on the back and on the front it says, “wanna bring your worst enemies to the deep bottom of hell? Well this is for you! All on the table no strings attached!” Once someone calls the number an enthusiastic young man will ask for details like, “What fate do you want them to have?” When the deal is done, a vengeful spirit will pursue the target with an intent to drag their soul away.

Survival Guide: These spirits are fast and relentless. Nothing will stop them from getting their target, however, they have a time limit for how long they can stay on earth before fading back down. Trying to survive for 2 hours or 14 hours until they fade running on foot is not a smart move; they can run fast! Driving in a car is probably the best option and putting objects between you and them might not work so well. They can phase through objects and don’t care about anything else, only pursuing the target.

Territory: Wherever the target is at, they will follow.

ENTITY-015 (Miracle man

Miracle Man

Threat Level: 2

Description: Miracle Man is a fortune teller box that has the appearance of a mechanically suited man with a coin slot in the front of the box. Once someone starts up the fortune teller it will not give you a fortune, but instead ask a question. The question it will ask is “what do you desire?” This ranges in many things like a new limb that you lose coming back, a disfigured face turned into a more appealing appearance , incredible strength and speed, etc. While this may come as a miracle or gift, the down side is that this procedure requires a exchange in something that holds the same value (for example, if you desired a new limb you will lose your eyes, when you desire beauty most pregnancies will end badly, and when you desire strength or speed the Miracle Man will take arms or legs). Like I said, it requires something that holds the same amount of value.

Survival Guide: Can’t take something that’s owed

Territory: Beach boardwalks or antique stores.



Threat level: 3

Description: Marbles is a metal container full of glass marbles with red and yellow ribbons wrapped around it like a present.

Survival Guide: Once an organism comes in contact with the container, the lid opens with thousands of marbles pouring out and rolls to the organism. Once in striking range, the Marbles will attempt to burrow into the skin of the victim and clogging arteries causing cardiac arrest. If someone smashes one of them, it will release a deadly airborne virus that kills anything that breathes it in and then fades before it spreads further. Their way of attack is not intentional, but more of metal moving towards a magnet. One time a group of researchers looked into the container to realize that it has no bottom to it, almost as if the container is generating as many marbles as it wants.

Survival Guide: Wear multiple layers of clothing and do not break them; that will only increase its lethality.

Territory: Toy shops and gas stations.



Threat level:3

Description: Intruders are three humanoid figures all wearing blank masks with two eye holes. One of them wears a yellow summer dress with strawberry red hair, another one wears a polka dot dress with red bob cut hair, and the last with a black jumpsuit with a hood was the first ever encounter with these things. They appear human, at least on the outside. Because multiple attacks have happened, each one of them has a different appearance but they’re always in a group of three. The oddest thing about these individuals is that they don’t seem to physically hurt their victims, yet Autopsies of the victims show that their brain shut down almost as a switch.

The most logical thing is that how they attack their victims is not by physical force, but psychologically hunting down their victims. They pump a dangerous amount of fear and adrenaline into their head that cause the brain to cease to function. It appears that they powered by fear, mostly appearing and disappearing in front of the victim’s eyes or chasing them around in dark, dim-lit areas causing uncontrollable fear.

Survival Guide: They appear human, but don’t let them fool you! Typical defenses wont work on them because they’re not exactly real, more like illusions or dreams. This fact isn’t going to help you though, because these things always finds out what makes you scared, which is also their great weakness. Without fear they’re practically powerless. Remember when I said that they chase people around in dark, dim-lit areas? Well if you’re surrounded by light they will retreat, almost as if bright lights scare them. If that’s not an option, then another suggestion is to take antidepressants to remove fear. I am not at all supporting drugs, but if you’re not doing anything to survive then you’ll be another record in their books.

-End of Broadcast-

