“The Cry of the Latin People” a Poem

The Cedar Times EiC
The Cedar Times
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2021
Photo by 1983 (steal my _ _ art) on Unsplash (Translation: More love please)

In Mrs. Heefner’s English 12 class, she asked her students to write a poem about what they stand for in this world. One of her students wrote this poem, which is written here with the student’s permission.

“The Cry of the Latin People”

I am a Latino and my heart is destrozado.

I think of Mexico and how they will build a wall

to keep out the hardest working of us all.

What should I do?

Sit down and listen to my neighbor’s children cry?

As for my Puerto Rican brothers and sisters,

do you ever get tired of just telling people that we are also American citizens?

Or of how they treat us because we are not from the mainland?

Are we not supposed to be the country of unity?

Para todos mis amigos de Colombia

People don’t recognize you as one of the biggest producers

of coffee, spices, gold, and emeralds!

They forget about who you are

and instead call you drug dealers.

As I share the pain,

I know from my own skin that we have to support each other

We must fight discrimination

for speaking Spanish,

for playing our music loud,

and for celebrating everything!

The only way to win this battle is to never change who you are


— Anonymous

