Celebrity Health & Fitness

Christina Applegate Living With MS and Her Friends Whom She Calls Her Family

Her emotional speech as she received her Walk of Fame star

I, Napoleon B.
The Celeb
Published in
5 min readNov 17, 2022


Christina Applegate Living With MS and Her Friends Whom She Calls Her Family

After mom died, I stayed with my best friend. I met him in 2001, and twenty years after, he would be the only person I could lean on. When mom passed away, I was lost.

One can never be ready in losing your mom.

I was one of mom’s caregivers and during her last 21 days, none of us were getting any sleep.

In the end, mom had a beautiful death.

At my best friend’s house, I can sleep and not worry about where is food coming from. Someone will be there to serve me coffee and breakfast when I wake up.

I can go back to bed anytime. I also have someone to share lunch or dinner depending on my friend’s availability.

I would always be grateful to him. While we both know either one of us would come to help the other, a friendship’s ultimate test happens when you need your friend to show up.

He did more than show up, he took care of me until I was ready or strong enough to start living my life without my mom.

Dead to Me



I, Napoleon B.
The Celeb

We all have good stories to tell, and I choose to write them myself. You can donate to my writing journey here: https://square.link/u/5EZrNONS