Yea I know my Grammar Sukkss Donkey Potatoes But . . .

Steven J. Bradley
The Cellar
Published in
5 min readDec 22, 2019


Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Well, for starters I think we should get some name-dropping out of the way

Pick a nickname, should we call them the grammar police, or just writing pri**s?

That’s really the way I feel about it some days, heck most days now. Even after I have seen how bad my grammar can actually be sometimes. Pretty bad for someone who claims to be an English Major dropout. But that was a long, long time ago. I mean a really long time. And to top it off I haven’t used that skill set much except for casual stuff that nobody really reads (kind of like this post here). But lo and behold here I go ranting off or should I shoot straight and call it like it is? Blinded by overconfidence? A hope that is stronger than anything? Or just plain self-deceived? I can’t say for sure, but I will share with you what I do know.

This is what I know (this may be a very short post guys!)

Yes, proper grammar and sentence structure are important, the reader will give up if they have to work too hard to get at the gist of what you are saying.
But . . .

If you have proper grammar, and every sentence is constructed tighter than a donkey’s you know what, but you have no message, well then, your writing…



Steven J. Bradley
The Cellar

Vintage Etsy Shop Owner, Wanna Be Writer, Sometimes streams on Twitch, Wishes to leave the real job behind. Website: