Montreal — A Rising Hub for Artificial Intelligence?

Is Montreal quickly becoming a powerful hub for Artificial Intelligence? With British companies preparing to open new operations in the Canadian city, it certainly seems that way.

A trio of AI firms — QuantumBlack; WinningMinds; and BIOS — have announced they will be setting up Canadian offices, in a move that follows Montreal’s new reputation of having impressive talent pools, with Montreal International CEO Hubert Bolduc claiming “Greater Montreal has become the place to be.”

It is estimated at least 130 new jobs would be generated between the three companies.

Mayor Valerie Plante declared

“Having QuantumBlack, having WinningMinds, having BIOS join the big family of AI is amazing and I’m really proud of that.”

QuantumBlack CEO Jeremy Palmer, said the following on the imminent move

“Our mission is aligned with Montreal’s mission to be a global leader in artificial intelligence and to attract the best talent from around the world.”

Meanwhile, BIOS co-founder and CEO Emil Hewage noted

“Given that Montreal is one of the great AI talent capsules of the world, there’s no better place to open our first non-Cambridge, UK research office.”

The three UK firms find themselves in good company in their new home, with Montreal’s burgeoning AI community playing host to major corporations in Microsoft, Facebook, and Google. Almost CA$1.1 billion in AI investment has flowed into the city since 2016, estimate Montreal International.

Time will tell whether Montreal manages to establish itself as a world-leading hub in Artificial Intelligence. Nevertheless, the importance of understanding the key concepts behind AI cannot be overstressed, and particularly in the realm of finance.

Thankfully, there exists AI in Finance — a leading programme which allows participants to learn from senior industry leaders who hail from the large financial institutions, fast growing startups and regulatory agencies. Featuring 18 guest speakers and 5 senior lecturers, learners will understand how AI transforms finance. Designed for those novices or professionals who want to be part of this flourishing industry (and with no prerequisites) — join the AI revolution in Finance today!

Originally published on on 7th December 2018.

