10 Things I’m Thankful For This Year
Writing prompt for the Challenged
Katy Lin prompted us way back on November 4th to list ten things we were thankful for this month and I am just now getting around to it.
November has literally sucked. It’s hard to be thankful when bad things keep happening. I have really struggled this month. But the best way to pull yourself out of a slump is to think of all the good things you have to be thankful for, right? So let’s do this!
1 — Rich
I am most thankful for my best friend and husband, Rich. We met on February 8, 1985, and have been together ever since. It’s hard to believe that this coming February will be 40 years. Time goes by so fast anymore. I don’t know what I would do without him. He is also such a compassionate caregiver since I currently have another broken leg.
2 — Medium
I am thankful for my Medium family of fellow writers and editors. Social media allows us to make friends all over the world that we otherwise would never meet. These friends read what we write, and care about us as people. We all need friends in our lives who care about us, and I really don’t have too many friends outside of Medium. And the little bit of money I get from Medium every month is also a blessing.