A Funny Thing Happened at Our Wedding Reception

May 10 Daily Writing Challenge

Jerry Dwyer
the Challenged
2 min readMay 11, 2024


My wife and I at our wedding reception. Photo by my sister Pat.

May 10 — Julia A. Keirns — **Weddings:** May 10 is our 38th wedding anniversary. Write about your wedding day or someone’s wedding day. Do you have a funny wedding story to share? Or you could choose to tell us about a special anniversary party.

We celebrated our 55th wedding anniversary a couple of months ago. Naturally, our memories drifted back to that day long ago.

It was a small wedding at my wife’s parish church in East Oakland. A kindly old priest from some South American country — Peru, I think but it may have been Paraguay. Any other country down there that starts with a P? — was the celebrant. We had to have a few talks with Father Prieto before the wedding and I couldn’t understand a word he said, either then or during the marriage ceremony!

After the wedding, we went to a reception at our new apartment near Oakland’s Lake Merritt. It was a brand-new building and we had not moved in any furniture yet. So, we rented tables and chairs and hired a caterer.

About a dozen people had to use the bathroom during the first hour or two of the reception. One of my cousins — I won’t say exactly who, but all my family knows, and it’s been talked about for three generations now! Anyway, my cousin was about the 13th restroom customer.

He had to flush a couple of times, as a matter of fact. But there was something wrong.

Steam was coming up and scalding a tender part of his body!

Apparently, someone connected the hot water to the toilet, and it took a number of flushes for the water to get hotter and hotter and hotter!

There were a lot of stories and jokes told that night, but none were as funny as this one that really happened!

Happy Anniversary to Julia! Maria, too!

Here is some more information from Julia A. Keirns on the May Writing Prompts for the Challenged:

Thanks for reading!



Jerry Dwyer
the Challenged

I read books and then travel to places I read about. And I bring my camera with me.