A Vacation to Remember

With my friends and my mom to Spain

Dr. Tracy Davis
the Challenged


coastline beach view of the water at Barcelona beach
Picture taken by author at Barcelona beach — copyright 2024

It’s been a while since I chose a prompt from The Challenged, so here it goes!

May 6 — Julia A. Keirns

Vacations: Do you or don’t you take vacations? What kind of vacations are you planning to take in the near future? Or tell us about a special vacation you have taken in the past.

I LOVE vacations! As a reforming workaholic, the idea of building in vacations and rest time is so important. Though I have been known to work while on vacation. Just as in the example I’m going to share with you. I’m not to the point where I can take 3 weeks off without working YET. But that’s the goal.

I recently returned from a three-week trip to Spain, my third trip there in the last year. I love it! And I’m hoping to move there by the fall.

After getting back to the US in January, when I mentioned to my best friend and mom that I was planning to return in April, they both expressed interest in joining me.

We mentioned it to our childhood friend group, and the plan started coming together. It turned into me, my mom, and two childhood friends, one of whom brought her 8-year-old kid as well. It was amazing to experience the trip through the eyes of a child.



Dr. Tracy Davis
the Challenged

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development. https://linktr.ee/trayceedee