An Unexpected Encounter With an Ex

But which ex?

Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged


Waiting for the train to Edinburgh. My photo

July 26: Emma Vincent — On a station platform, you find yourself alone with an ex for an hour. What would you say? What do you imagine they would say to you?

Ex no. 2: I wouldn’t say anything. I wouldn’t give him a chance to say anything. I’d walk up and push him in front of the oncoming train.

Ex no 1: I’d greet him casually. We are like strangers after all these years. Apart from the three children we produced, we don’t have anything in common. We never did. He looks like an old shrivelled-up man and with all his money, he doesn’t look happy. My self-respect is intact as I never asked for any part of his fortune.

Ex no 3: We are still friends and he’d be the one with whom I could have a “normal” conversation — as normal as could be expected — a weird conversation by my standards — but I’d walk away shaking my head and laughing.

Ex no 4: I’d stroll up to him and ask, “Why?” and walk away before he had a chance to recognise me.

All of these are imaginary meetings. The only meeting that has any likelihood of happening is with Ex no 3. He’s the only one who’ll catch a train.

Thanks for reading. Now you know why I don’t write fiction.



Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.