Patty Feyh
the Challenged
Published in
2 min readDec 30, 2023


December 29, 2023 writing prompt- Writing Routine

Photo by hannah grace on Unsplash

Nancy Oglesby, editor of the Challenged publication, has asked us today if we have a writing routine.

I'm guilty of not having writing as a routine. I have written as the mood strikes and when I feel it would be good to indulge myself.

I don't want writing to become a chore or a job and I don't want to lose the zest I feel when I do write. Writing should remain something I enjoy as a time out from the world.

I'm hoping that writing will add to my other routine hobbies that I use to keep my mind sharp. Losing words, vocabulary, thoughts and memories scares me.

I enjoy reading the stories I find on Medium and some help me feel less alone. Maybe one day I'll have less world to occupy my time and writing will become more prevalent. For now I'm enjoying this exercise for slowing down brain degradation.

I've written so much over the years in the jobs I've held that I balk at giving it a slot as part of routine. I do admire those of you that make writing your priority in your daily routine and write daily.

Perhaps writing daily is good exercise for one day publishing a book or two. For some it is a way to gain social status or cash. For me, it is pure enjoyment once or twice a week. The rest of the week I look here to read and respond to at least 5 people daily. I appreciate those who follow me and like to reciprocate in kind.

I’m looking forward to my hibernation months ahead. There will be more reason for reflection and memories to write about. Thank you for reading!



Patty Feyh
the Challenged

I'm very passionate about dogs. I believe in perspectives, choices, freedom and listening to your voice. I long for adventures that listen to my call to freedom