April 2024 Writing Challenge | Day 3

Did You Stick with the Profession That Your Childhood Self First Thought Of?

What would my high school English teacher think of me now?

Alan AJ
the Challenged
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2024


When I was very young, I remember boys at school saying they wanted to be train drivers. It seemed like a stock answer, almost a macho thing.

My school reports described me as quiet and shy, and if they’d got an answer out of me, I might have said electrician. I liked anything to do with electricity, and I didn’t know the names of jobs connected with electronics or computers.

As I approached my teenage years, I started building electronic circuits and learning computer programming. From then on, it was assumed by everyone — including me — that I would work in that field.

And that’s what I did for 26 years!

Bundles of coloured wires.
The wires in my bedroom were not this neat! Photo by Ryutaro Uozumi on Unsplash

My mum said I was ‘messing with wires’, even when I was an adult! And who could blame her? Until I moved out, my bedroom was full of messy cables and wires!

For 20 years, I developed hardware and software for embedded systems for industrial printers and label applicators. (Embedded systems are the ‘invisible computers’ that live inside products.)



Alan AJ
the Challenged

One day I'll think of something good to put here. For now, just know I'm 50-something years old and I keep writing about life.