From Foul Moods to Fits of Laughter

Finding humor in the mundane

chel writes
the Challenged
3 min readMar 4, 2024


Responding to March Writing Prompt #4 by Ludiane de Brocéliande: You’re in a foul mood, complaining about everything. What is sure to trigger a burst of laughter?

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Do you ever have those days where it feels like the universe conspired against you, and every little inconvenience adds fuel to the fire of your foul mood? We’ve all been there. Whether it’s traffic jams, spilled coffee, or just a general feeling of malaise, it can seem like the world is determined to keep us down. But what if I told you there’s a secret weapon against these bouts of negativity? Something guaranteed to turn your frown upside down and provoke a burst of laughter, even in the darkest of moods.

Humor has a unique power to diffuse tension, lighten the mood, and shift our perspective, even in the most challenging situations. It’s a universal language that transcends barriers and brings people together. So, what exactly is sure to trigger that much-needed burst of laughter when you’re feeling down in the dumps?

One surefire way to elicit laughter is through the absurdity of life’s little mishaps. Picture this: you’re already running late for work, and as you rush out the door, you manage to spill coffee all over your freshly pressed shirt. In that moment of frustration, it’s easy to wallow in self-pity. But if you take a step back and embrace the absurdity of the situation, suddenly it becomes comical. Who needs a coffee-stained shirt to start the day, right? Cue the laughter.

Another guaranteed laugh-inducer is the classic comedy of errors. We’ve all had those moments where everything seems to go wrong in rapid succession, leading to a chain reaction of mishaps. Maybe you trip over your own feet, knock over a stack of papers, and then accidentally hit “reply all” on an email meant for your eyes only. It’s like watching a sitcom unfold in real life, and sometimes all you can do is laugh at the sheer ridiculousness of it all.

But perhaps the most potent source of laughter lies in the absurdity of our own emotions and reactions. Think about it: how many times have you caught yourself overreacting to a minor inconvenience, only to realize later how silly it all seems? Whether it’s a dramatic meltdown over a broken nail or a full-blown tantrum because your favorite TV show got canceled, there’s something inherently funny about the irrationality of human behavior.

So, the next time you find yourself in a foul mood, complaining about everything under the sun, remember this: laughter is the antidote to negativity. Whether it’s finding humor in life’s absurdities, embracing the comedy of errors, or simply laughing at yourself, there’s always a reason to smile, even on the gloomiest of days. So go ahead, let out a chuckle, and watch as your troubles melt away in a sea of laughter.

After all, as they say, laughter is the best medicine.

Thank you for journeying your time through these words. If you’d like to show support, you can leave a tip below (next to the subscribe button) or you can buy me a coffee here. Wishing you safety and warmth!



chel writes
the Challenged

write articles and personal thoughts. publish drafts regularly. sometimes in english or indonesian :)