Journey through June | Day 8

I’m Done Airing My Dirty Laundry on Medium, Now It’s Time to Do Some Real Laundry

AND your story responses to your favourite teacher

Keeley Schroder
the Challenged
Published in
4 min readJun 10, 2023


How is there more dirty clothes!? Photo by author.

Even without Mum leaving me for The Phillipines, it’s been a stressful week.

I’ve had a lot of pent-up rage. Mostly towards the institution. As most of you know, my account was suspended this week. I was so maddened by it that I was convinced I was done with Medium.

I cancelled my membership and turned off metered stories because I didn’t want their dirty money.

Here’s the thing, though. Even though I don’t make a lot, I make enough to cover my membership and maybe buy a few coffees.

Who would I be hurting by cancelling my membership? Medium? Or the writers that I support?

I couldn’t do that to you.

So I’ve reinstated my membership. If I were only allowed to read three stories a month, I think I’d wither away and die.

Even the last few days off Medium, I’ve felt a little discombobulated.

As much as I’ve welcomed my new Kindle into my life, I feel a little lost without your stories.



Keeley Schroder
the Challenged

Mother to Caelin and Tiernan (two-legged children) and Phoenix (four-legged child). Lover of dogs, writing, true crime, Netflix, board games, wine and cheese.