Patty Feyh
the Challenged
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2024


January 8 prompt — If Your Pet Could Talk

Custard wants to know, “If your pets could talk, what would they say to you?” (Like, you know, other than “meowwww.”)

Photo owned by author _Patty Feyh

Samantha wants to be sure I save her some of my dinner. She lays down below my recliner waiting for me to get up with my plate. If she begs at all she gets “bad girl” and she really, really doesn’t like that.

My chorkie poo, Samantha is amazing with routine. Starting off in the morning with “I’m ready for a trip outside when you get your coffee Mom.”

A couple hours later she’s all about me coming back inside to fix her breakfast and if I head to the bathroom first, she’s running down the hallway saying “Mom! Wait! Wait! You forgot to get my breakfast!”

Shortly after giving me time to shower and dress for the day, Samantha is wiggling on her back waiting for the tummy rub which somehow signals we are going to put her leash on and go for a walk. This is when she gets vocal with her very happy yip yip to tell the world “I’m on my way for adventure” and I’m sure I hear a pleased, “Thank you, Mom.”

Samantha can understand a lot of words and phrases and keywords signal certain things or actions. One phrase I use for her is “get up the stairs” which means she needs to get up to the front porch right away. I use this in case someone is coming and I have her off the leash. I have also used it so the manager doesn’t see I have her off the leash.

Samantha communicates nap time by nudging my leg and heading to her blanket placed strategically under my recliner with my little blanket creating a cave for her. “Nap time Mom”

I can say “Load your weapon,” as I’m putting my jacket on and Samantha will go get a nice long drink of water. We then go out to the backyard for the after-nap potty break.

While she’s been napping, I’ve been reading, writing, jigsaw, or rolling more cigarettes for about an hour.

Whenever I leave home or return, my routine calls for a small piece of beef jerky. She will run back and forth and bump my leg until I get that for her. Definitely communicating with me! “I guarded the house, Mom! I was a good girl!”

Dinner time is something special. Any time I’m in the kitchen she guards the kitchen to keep even my husband out. Special smells and tastes that Samantha feels she needs to protect. She gets in trouble for the growl at Papa but it’s frustrating for her if he even steps in for a paper towel. She’s a good girl though and just nudges closer to me at the stove.

If I go sit down to wait for dinner to cook, she grabs her favorite toy and sets her chin on it waiting by my chair for me to get back up and get dinner off the stove or out of the oven. Here she tells me “I want some Mom! Please! I’ve been good Mom! Here’s my bowl over here Mom! Yip! Yip!”

Sometimes we have ice cream together for dessert and she always acts like it’s a surprise. “Really Mom? Wow! Thank you! Thank you!”

We end the day with a good night ritual. I’ve got my vitamins and she gets a piece of Begging strips bacon flavored. I get a kiss on my nose and give her a little hug “Good night, sleep well. I’ll see you in the morning”.

I head off to bed while hubby turns off lights and such. Samantha is soon to follow with her spot under my side of the bed. She takes my blankets and pulls them down and under her into her own makeshift bed.

Brett Jenae Tomlin ,The Sturg, Vidya Sury, Collecting Smiles , Trisha Faye , Paula Shablo , Misty Rae , Adrian CDTPPW , Leigh-Anne Dennison (she/her), Carmen Ballesteros , Teisha LeShea , Marlana Fireman , Michael Smith-Welch, Rampath 💙 , Sweet Honeylu , Rachella Angel Page, Lynn L. Alexander , Paari , Julia A. Keirns , Michelle Jimerson Morris , Pat Romito LaPointe , Brandon Ellrich , Susie Winfield , Karen Hoffman , Marlene Samuels , Amy Frances , Paari , Ray Day , Carmen Ballesteros , Michael Rhodes , Pluto Wolnosci 🟣 , Bruce Coulter , Ellen Baker , Patricia Timmermans , Ruby Noir 😈 , Jenny Gargarello , Randy Pulley ,



Patty Feyh
the Challenged

I'm very passionate about dogs. I believe in perspectives, choices, freedom and listening to your voice. I long for adventures that listen to my call to freedom