Lynn’s July Jubilee Random Questions

Ten questions revealing a little bit more about me

Jason Edmunds
the Challenged


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Izzibella Beau tagged me in her post answering ten of Lynn L. Alexander’s Random July Jubilee questions posted at the Challenged publication.

Below are my riveting responses 😁 to the questions.

1.) What is your favorite bird?

Flamingoes are my favorite bird. I can look at their graceful moves for hours.

2.) Do you pay your bills online or by mail?

I prefer to pay my bills in person (a strange phenomenon these days). If I can’t do it in person I will pay bills online.

3.) What is your favorite book genre?

Mystery and suspense. When I read I need to be dragged heads and boots into the plot as soon as possible.

To my friends’ amusement, I identify with a character in a book or movie fast. I feel their pain and live their emotions. It can be quite entertaining for my friends as I am one of those people who cry easily too.

4.) What is your favorite mode of transportation?

A fast bullet-style train traveling at high speeds or flying. When I travel or go on holiday I want to get to my destination fast to relax and enjoy the scenery or environment.



Jason Edmunds
the Challenged

I enjoy socialising, experimenting in the kitchen, reading, writing and walking.