More Travel Questions?


Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged


Rogner Bad Blumau, Austria, 2014
  1. If you could swim with dolphins or go shark diving, which would you pick? I’ve swum with sharks, reef sharks, whale sharks, and once was only metres away from a man-eater (but he was stuck on a sandbank - I got out of the water fast!) But I’ve never swum with dolphins, so dolphins it is and I love their smile.
  2. Do you prefer solo travel or with someone else? Until 2019, I would have always have said I preferred travelling with someone, but now I can honestly say, I love travelling solo. If I get lost, I only have myself to blame. I’ve travelled Eastern Europe for 6 weeks solo in 2019, and recently travelled solo in Europe for 3 months. I loved it.
  3. Machu Picchu or Angkor Wat? Am I allowed to say both? I’ve wanted to trek to Machu Picchu and planned to go in 2015, but life had other plans. Angkor Wat is probably more doable in terms of proximity and walking ability.
  4. What’s your favorite place you’ve been to so far? I simply cannot choose. I loved everywhere I’ve been except Israel. I love Europe — all of it!
  5. Which country makes the best coffee or tea? The smoothest coffee I’ve ever had was Kopi Luwak — if you know, you know. And the best tea has to have been from the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. Boh tea.
  6. If you could only ever eat rice or



Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.