Oops! I Did It!
Lynn made me do it
Bet you all experience this at some time or other!
I’m up
Where’s my phone?
The couch eats it
I dig like a mole
The remote joins the hunt
A sock shows up, long thought lost
House keys appear — how’d they get here?
At last, I win! Phone’s in my pocket
It’s those sneaky gremlins playing with me!
One of those days!
Hit my toe
The chair just stared
Devil in disguise
Its plot to trip me worked
I’ll take revenge tomorrow
For now, I limp, in righteous rage
Ouch! Stubbed my other toe on the door
My furniture is plotting my downfall
Woman’s best friend
What’s that?
Something smells
Dog looks guilty
Mess lurks out of sight
Tail wags, full of mischief
See a shoe, chewed up, shredded