So Much to Read, So Little Time

From books to newspapers to Medium!

Nancy Oglesby
the Challenged
Published in
4 min readSep 7, 2024


Image and layout by the author.

The September 5th prompt is: Do you read? Who is your favorite author? What is your favorite book?

I laugh at prompts that try to prompt me to pick a favorite… It’s simply not possible.

Yes, I read. Less voraciously than when I was younger, but I usually have two novels going at a time, plus one or two non-fiction books.

One novel is a best-seller type on my iPad, the other is an audiobook that I listen to when I drive and when I clean the kitchen in the evening. I like to read the novel during my meals.

Nonfiction tends toward health and wellness (I am a retired certified holistic health coach), or whatever peaks my interest at the time. I used to read professional and/or personal development books, but not so much anymore, but I do love reading new ideas on decluttering/organization.

I just bought Empty Without You: The Intimate Letters of Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok by Roger Streitmatter. I came across it while researching the story I wrote for the Fiction Shorts challenge. You can read it here:



Nancy Oglesby
the Challenged

I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication