Writing Prompts

The German Dish I’m Famous for Is a Bit of A Hybrid

Today’s Writing Prompt by Michael Rhodes in “the Challenged”

Henry India Holden💖
the Challenged
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2023


Made by the author, not on the stove, but with Canva Pro.

I’m known for my German Wiener Schnitzel. But I “ruin it” with creamy mushroom sauce, borrowed from the (unbreaded) Jägerschnitzel recipe. Ach, ja so!

Steven and I like it with Rotkraut and Sauerkraut. Instead of Spätzle, we have Breitbandnudeln. Pappardelle Pasta from Trader Joe’s works perfectly if there’s no German store around.

Breitbandnudel, isn’t that a great word! 😀

We don’t have time to make stuff from scratch. And to be honest, not the inclination either. But you can make something good with ready-made ingredients, if you know what they are.

In Preparation

Steven finely chops a small onion and an apple, and coarsely chops a container of shitake mushrooms. I wash and dry the pork fillets. Pop the noodles into a pot of salted and oiled water.

The Gravy

I pan-brown the onions and mushrooms. Next, I stir up two of those little gravy paper bags (what are those bags called?). I deviate here again by swapping the water out for milk to make the gravy extra yummy. The go-to brand is Knorr Mushroom Sauce. If they…



Henry India Holden💖
the Challenged

Eco-spiritual writings about nature, the human world & love. Soul coach, ecotherapist, Reiki master. henryindiaholden.com