The Homes I’ve Lived In

And my favourite one …

Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged


The pool is the best part of my current rented abode. Photo by author.

Julia A. Keirns wants to know How many times have I moved? Which house was your favourite and why?

I’m republishing this story I wrote with some updated information.

When I was a baby I lived at a house high up on the hill at Highgate Hill. (It really is the suburb’s name!) The only reason I know we lived there is from baby photos of me. I don’t remember living there at all.

My first memory is of our house at Allowah Street. I was telling my brother-in-law about the time we were flooded. The water came up to the second top step. (We had a high-set house on 8-foot piers.) I can remember sitting on the top step before being evacuated. My brother-in-law didn’t believe me. There was no mention of floods in Brisbane back then. Not to be proved a liar or a dreamer, I did more research and found there WAS a flood. The local golf course had a dam that had broken and flooded the local area. We lived one house from the bottom of the street. There was an article (and photo) from memory in the local newspaper.

House number 3 was my grandparents’ house on the beach at Barney Point in Gladstone. The two years I spent living here were the happiest of my childhood. I don’t remember missing my mother at all ( or father for that matter). Is this where my dissociative disorder…



Adrienne Beaumont
the Challenged

I’m Australian. I love to travel and write about my adventures.I write about my daily life as a mother and grandmother as well as my past experiences.