The Trifecta of Entertainment: Books, Movies and TV

Lee J. Bentch
the Challenged


But don’t forget about food, sex and music, it’s all fun

An AI Generated image of books, movie reels, cameras and coffee.
Image Created by AI — Author LJBentch Feb 2024

So many things are available to entertain us; it is a miracle we have time for work.

Between books, movies, and television, adding music, travel, eating, and sex, what more is there? We can add a few games of golf, an exhilarating fishing trip, and tickets to an NFL playoff game or the World Series. Those are fun events.

There are a lot of things we do to fill our spare time. In some cases, what we do consumes our lives with enjoyable indulgences. Some are guilty and complex pleasures, making us feel good, while other things could be as simple as a piece of cheesecake and a cup of well brewed coffee.

It’s up to each of us to determine how we spend our time, and where our efforts for relaxation and recreation are directed.

There is always a quest to find the best of the best. We want to ensure our entertainment choices are enjoyable, informative, and entertaining. And if you are like me, you probably spend an inordinate amount of time determining where to go, what to eat, read and watch.

At one point I found myself enjoying flipping through the movie selections on Netflix, instead…



Lee J. Bentch
the Challenged

I am an author, a technology guy, a grandad, a widower, and a man with many interests. I write to inform and entertain. Email: