What is Home?

Are you in your home right now?

the Challenged
3 min readMay 25, 2024


Illustration of how home was to me

So, what is home?

Home is not the place where you currently live.
Home is not the 4 walls that surround you.
Home is not tangible.

Home is something else.

In my childhood we moved around a lot. We never were stagnant in one apartment. We were moving from one home to another. We never had a house for ourselves and the rent was just increasing month after month. So, we had to move.

In addition, I moved out of my home for nearly 6 years for studies and work. And I quit that job thinking I’ll be back home for a while. But nope! I’m writing this right now, 5000 miles away from my home!

That made me realize that home is something else and it’s different from where you stay.

Home Is Not Your House…

Home for me is the presence, people, belongings, family and conversations, interactions, hugs and laughter and everything in-between.

This is early 2000s picture editing skills and Shout out to my sis.

To put this in other way, home is wherever your soul is. Home is wherever you are. In some sense, you are your home. You clean it. You take care of it. That place where you know you can cry alone. That's your safe space. Your hideout. You nurture it from birth. You protect it.

For me home is something that you take it around ‘with you’

In the modern age, travelling has taken a spotlight and been sold as a posh, luxurious thing. I truly feel that everyone must travel and move places. Even locally to realize that home is not an house.

That said, how would do you take care of your home?

I know the answer ☝️🤓
- Money, power, hookers and drugs.

Its Responsibility, Discipline & Respect.

Haaa ha boringggah.

Well, if none of these are there in your life then your home is lopsided for sure. You gotta bring these core things under your grip. Usually people wont realize it cause the damage is not in their foresight nor its immediate to feel that they are falling off.

You can see it in people where they are slightly getting into a odd phase in their life. I saw those people. They were my friends once. Those who never had these 3 things in their life started losing their grip in the society and as Fyodor Dostoevsky says; they descend into the underbelly of chaos.

In my experience, you do not want chaos in your home. That is the bottom most tip. Nasty place to be in.

Anyway. My point is decorate the place you are in right now. Spend some time to take care of your surrounding. Know who you hang-out with. Document your journey and if you can’t, have discipline.

At least have respect towards your home.

I wanted to write a lot more on Minecraft and how this article fits perfectly to this game. But TLDR. If you want to have a true feel of whatever I've spoken about here, then play Minecraft.

If you think its a kids game, then install shaders and play it.

That’s it for today. Thank you for reading, more will be on its way.

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