Where Were You in 1974?

An April Daily Writing Prompt

Julia A. Keirns
the Challenged


Me in 1974. Photo taken by my mom.

The daily writing prompt at the Challenged for April 7: You are transported back 50 years to April 7, 1974. Describe your life. If you weren’t born, you can research 1974, or make stuff up. (Don’t you love how I describe fiction?)

I was not quite 10 years old on April 7, 1974, and probably looked something like this. Check out the television, the drapes, and the clothes. I would have been finishing up 4th grade. My tenth birthday was in July 1974.

My 10th birthday in July 1974. Photo taken by my mom.

I was very tomboyish. I always wore pants and T-shirts. My hair was short. I was always in the barn with Dad and avoided female house chores like cooking and doing the dishes. Mom made sure I knew how to cook and bake and crochet and sew, but I hated every minute of it.

Maybe some of these facts will help you remember where you were in 1974.



Julia A. Keirns
the Challenged

Currently living in an RV full time and traveling across North America. The goal is simply to write about it. Editor of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and ROD.