Everyone is a change maker

Catalina Catana
The Change Makers Stories
4 min readJan 29, 2019

Who are change makers?

Are change makers born or made? And can we educate people to become change makers?

I have been exploring these questions for more than a year now, meeting change makers in different contexts, and getting to know their aspirations and thoughts on change, impact and learning.

Fast forward to my main learning… EVERYONE IS A CHANGE MAKER!

A change maker is merely the re-creation of what it means to be human in the 21st century: you have to deal with change, you become part of change and you create change.

How fascinating is the fact that regardless of background, education, or industry, people share the genuine drive to do good, to create a positive impact within their communities and the world?

The Change Makers Project is a series of interviews with people inspired and driven to create a positive change.

It is a project about people, stories, journeys and dreams.

It is also an exploration of what makes a meaningful learning and working experience, how to connect with your purpose and how to challenge the status quo.

Where did it all start?

Back in 2017, there were three main topics that preoccupied my mind: building self-awareness, researching the topic of purpose economy, and exploring the transition from university to work. Although very different at first sight, in my head these three themes were completing each other in a perfect way:

If the education system is to change, so that it makes enough room for exploration, experimentation, and reflection, then graduating students will be more confident and self-aware when taking their next step in life. At the same time, if critical thinking, creativity, sustainability, and lifelong learning become as important as literacy and numeracy, then we would develop more responsible citizens who act with purpose at core.

By a very lucky coincidence, the educational designer of my programme was thinking of putting together a new course focused on developing change makers. So, I started writing my thesis for her as my client, and exploring the question of:

How should an education programme be like to develop change makers?

In order to find answers for this question, I had to understand who are change makers to start with, and what are the skills and characteristics that make them unique.

The most obvious starting point was to talk to social entrepreneurs, employees within NGOs and activists and ask them what led them to become who they were, what drives them, and what are the skills they need on a day to day basis that helps them get closer to their goals.

And so, I started reaching out to people in different organisations, holding positions in different roles, only to find out that anyone is or has the potential to become a change maker. The journeys people shared were so unique and inspiring, but what really made me continue this project, was how relatable these stories were.

You don’t need to be Bill Gates, or Elon Musk to drive change and create an impact. Every person is or knows a change maker, and that is what makes these interviews so special. To me, the concept of facilitating positive change stretches from tackling wicked problems to showing small gestures of kindness on a daily basis.

And this is why I believe it is essential to put more relatable people in the spotlight, share their journeys, listen to their dreams, and inspire others to become change makers within their context.

The Change Makers Manifesto

The gathered learnings and insights from these interviews, will be used to:

… shape education and work, so that the focus is on people, in nurturing their confidence and guiding them towards living a fulfilled life.

… empower people and organisations to put purpose first, to become responsible entities that change what is within their scope, for the better.

… develop a mindset of sustainable and responsible business, where profit and purpose are not exclusive.

… inspire kindness and empathy.

… drive a culture of collaboration and cooperation.

Thanks for reading!

If you are intrigued about these interviews and feel the same drive to challenge the status quo in education and work, feel free to hit that clap button 👏 and follow the Change Makers Stories on Medium. I will share more stories about future of education, social entrepreneurship and personal development.

Get to know the project!👇

Listen to the podcast.

Watch the video series.

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