Techniques for Improving a Landbot Chatbot

Sam Ursu
The Chatbot Guru
Published in
7 min readOct 7, 2019


A while ago, I came across a list of ostensibly “well-designed” chatbots built on the Landbot platform, and I found them all quite short of the mark.

It’s easy to criticize what other people do, so in this article, I’m going to show you a few tips and tricks for getting the most out of the somewhat clunky Landbot chatbot design platform.

Collecting User Input

Most of Landbot’s customers are businesses that want to accomplish a business objective, which quite often includes “capturing” information from a visitor such as their name, email address, and company.

Landbot calls these variables, and their build system makes it very easy to add blocks that ask the user questions in order to “capture” that contact information.

Understanding how to insert these blocks isn’t difficult. But when to use them — and in what context — in order to entice the user to hand over their information can be a little tricky.

Don’t be the KGB

First of all, try to avoid asking for contact information right away. Your chatbot isn’t working at passport control, nor do you want it to come across as some kind of authoritarian goon.

👨‍🎓 Lesson: Do NOT ask for contact info right away.

The last thing you want is for the customer to be turned away from wanting to further interact with your chatbot.

Three Cups of Tea



Sam Ursu
The Chatbot Guru

Somehow, I ended up moving to a country that doesn't exist