Ukraine: Discover Diversity

Darina Matkovska
The Chestnut City
Published in
5 min readAug 24, 2017

A huge and beautiful country that located in the Eastern Europe, Ukraine has gained a great popularity thanks to many reasons. Some people know it as the country with the great agricultural capabilities, someone may say it’s the place where Chernobyl disaster happened, a certain amount of people will note that the most beautiful women in the world born here, and a lot of individuals will identify it because of war, corruption or, hopefully, rising IT talents. Indeed, all of this is true. However, there is much more to learn and to understand about the European black swan.

1. Generation gap

Being previously a Soviet Union member, Ukraine got the heritage of those times such as orientation on collective economy, monumental architecture, strict discipline and communism-based mindset. Today, this Hamlet’s father shade has an enormous impact on the economic and social processes all over the country. It causes difficulties in re-orientation of Ukraine at the 21st century realities. Bureaucracy, misunderstanding between elders and youngsters, who were born and raised in independent Ukraine, old-fashioned infrastructure are still the things that we are getting rid from. The elimination of past was hugely fostered by the events, that were taking place three years ago.

2. European values

The revolution of 2013–2014 has become the breaking point in defining country’s further development direction. Late November 2013 the government has announced the abolition of signing the Agreement of Association with European Union, which had been undergoing preparation procedures for a couple of years. Instead, they stated the willing to cooperate closely with Russian Federation, which, in turn, meant a huge sense of protection and independency limitation. Consequences of such a decision came out immediately — the young generation of Ukrainians initiated massive protests, called later the Euromaidan, showing a disagreement with the fallback in country’s development and proclaiming the choice in favor of independent path to future along with European society.

3. Political instability

The Euromaidan in a form of peaceful demonstrations was cruelly dispersed, which caused the wave of protests against Government for their neglecting of democratic principles. Massive protests have consequence in the War of Dignity. To describe what was happening that time in Kiev I should have written the whole book. In short, imagine the phoenix that can be reborn only after it burns to the finish point. Same was happening in Kiev — more than 100 people died according to the official data, all city center around Independency Square was destroyed and burn to the ashes. However, it wasn’t the end. After the old Government was overthrew and the new one elected, the overall political instability was followed with the annexation of Crimea and the war at the East. When political position of Ukraine was insanely difficult, the economic situation was even worse.

4. Economical shift

The political instability had lowered the local currency demand and international partners’ trust, that made the foreign currency inflow insufficient. From 1USD to 10 UAH, the exchange rate had reached 1 to 45 at the black market. When it could be treated as the temporary thing, the exclusion of Donetsk and Luhansk regions as well as Crimea broke the economic system. For many years, Ukraine’s GDP had been formed by heavy industry, agriculture, metals and chemical sectors. Without coal mines, metal production and necessary chemicals, Ukrainian leading industries were shocked. At the same time, Crimea was the top recreational destination for not only Ukrainians but many foreign tourist as well. Therefore, the overall loss was incredible, so the country had to figure out the new strategies and the way to move forward.

5. Technological boom

The way to make money was quite obvious — to sell abroad. The product for sell turned out to be not that hard to find. Being rich on technological talents, Ukraine had realized the potential of being an ideal IT-outsourcing partner to many developed countries. In fact, the outsourcing existed in Ukraine years before the last Revolution happed. However, the reality of 2014 year enormously boosted its development, increasing the level of engagement specialists in IT. Along with this, other technological industries had been empowered by the success of IT industry. Many startups appeared in 2014 and 2015, so the venture industry has become a more popular field too. Today, there is a great number of successful Ukrainian IT companies, software and hardware startups being famous worldwide and their number will be only growing.

6. Reborn mindset

Not only material world has changed, but the nation’s mindset too. The spirit of unity and patriotism has ingrained in the minds of young Ukrainians, making people say “Ukrainian” with the dignity. It was greatly seen in the level of mutual understanding and helping each other during Euromaidan and Revolution — completely unfamiliar people were sharing food, medicines, providing compatriots with accommodation and services. Same is about those who relocated from Eastern Ukraine and Crimea — now and then, I have never seen any judgment or contempt. Right the opposite — people were showing understanding and giving support to others. I guess, we have got more compassionate to each other and more united.

In fact, many people today are looking towards moving out from Ukraine, and, of course, I can understand why. Here things will be ideal not in the next few years or even decades. But, I think there’s a reason why words “country”, “motherland” and identical words in other languages are feminine — they certainly have a female spirit. The same as women is perfect when treated well, the country is blossoming when taken care. When someone leaves the country saying it’s not that ideal as other countries seem to be, to translate it into the intersex relationship, those ones act more or less like cheaters. Of course, it takes efforts to make your own women look shining and happy. Much easier to follow the beautiful one you see somewhere. So, the same is with the country — everyone may find the One better, but not everyone is capable to love his own One and serve it, worshiping its pure beauty. It is the matter of being courageous, faithful and strong, it is the matter of accepting the legacy of previous generations and what they were fighting for.

