Be Brave — Write for Chic Geek!

Nadirah Noordin
The Chic Geek
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2018
Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Whenever I go to McDonald’s, which happens more often than I’d like to admit, I think the best size is medium. Large is usually a nugget too much; small always leaves me wanting more and don’t even get me started on supersizing. But medium is the perfect amount to satisfy the craving and your hunger. And that’s what Medium is as a blog platform — the perfect marriage of content and layout.

And as a reader, Medium allows you to quickly tell our writers just how much their story meant to you by using the clapping feature at the very bottom and/or by leaving us comments! We would love to hear your thoughts so why not by start following us on Medium and interacting with us here?

Why Should I Use Medium?

I’ll be honest with you; I didn’t know about Medium until I joined Chic Geek and I realized why I gave up blogging when I tried to start several years ago. I was too hung up on the layout of the blog that I forgot to focus on content. By using Medium to post, I can focus all my attention on my content.

When you start your draft on Medium, a plain white background fills nearly 75% of your screen. There aren’t any pop-ups, ads or banners interrupting your reading. Text formatting within Medium is minimal with a standardized font and options to bold and italicize. Need some feedback on a post? Save it as a draft and share the link with others. Medium also allows you to embed links, images and videos.

I love using their TK feature as a placeholder for ideas that still require attention. TK originated as a publishing abbreviation for “to come” and appears as a reminder in the left margin when used in Medium. A warning prompts you when you attempt to publish a post that has TKs in the body.

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

In addition to a clean layout, Medium also makes it easy to post stories to multiple publications. The term publication in Medium is a way to group commonly themed stories together by many writers or by one writer. With one click, this blog post appeared on both my profile and Chic Geek’s publication.

Applaud posts that resonate with you by clapping, giving as many claps as you feel the post merits. For those who are worried about the data behind the claps, Medium provides statistics indicating how many unique viewers loved their posts, in addition to view counts, read ratios and reads.

The number of topics I want to know more about is like the number of places I’d like to visit in the world — it’s neverending. Do you have a growing “I wonder…” list? Maybe it’s time to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and write that post. Chic Geek is welcoming individual bloggers to write as guest contributors on our publication.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Why Write for Chic Geek?

Why not? Unfortunately, it’s a question that we don’t ask ourselves very often. Why should I brave the ask? Well, why not? Why should I reach out for advice? Well, why not? So why not write that blog post on robotics or whatever topic that’s been burning a hole in your brain? Facial recognition, virtual reality, smart cities, the list goes on. What about under-appreciated professional skills that are sorely needed in all industries?

We’re all about being curious and brave at Chic Geek. Our supportive network loves seeing others try their hand at new technology, deciphering ideas and concepts, and discussing solutions to existing concerns.

Joining Chic Geek’s blog team not only allows me to improve my writing skills, but it also keeps me organized to meet deadlines, and I get to post my blog posts on my social media handles and LinkedIn to further my professional portfolio.

If writing isn’t your cup of tea, there are a plethora of other volunteer opportunities and programs, ranging from the those looking to start a project but need extra help in our mentorship program to MeetnTech, a series of talks from industry experts culminating in roundtable discussions.

So go on, write that post, publish it and submit it to Chic Geek. We all have something to say, so why not be brave and just say it?



Nadirah Noordin
The Chic Geek

Editor by day. Most often photographed by food. Happiest when eating. If appears angry, silently provide edible item. Confusing bio with PSA. Awkward. @yournadz