Getting the Best Conference Experience

Kaitlin de Chastelain Finnigan
The Chic Geek
Published in
4 min readAug 8, 2018

I’m standing in the biggest conference hall on the third floor of a downtown hotel in Montreal. In front of me, a bunch of tables filled with people chatting merrily to each other, and a stage with a woman asking us to take our seats.

I’m at my first conference, and I have no idea what I’m doing.

My friend grabs my arm and leads me to my seat. As we listen to the riveting keynote speaker my eyes widen and jaw drops multiple times. I clap fervently as her speech ends, more excited for the days ahead.

Since then, I have found myself attending a few conferences and have discovered some tips and tricks to have the best conference experience.

Before you even take off there’s a couple of things you can do to have the best conference experience.

Do Your Research

When the conference sends out the list of speakers and workshop hosts, do a quick google search on them. This can make all the difference in understanding their background and presentation, as well as give you some great talking points for networking.

Sometimes speakers will attend other seminars at the conference before they give their own talk. This gives you the perfect opportunity to have a conversation, gain some insight into their field and potentially make a new connection.

This happened to me at a recent conference as I sat next to someone and struck up a conversation. I ended up with some fantastic career advice. The next day I was attending a workshop and there he was, standing at the front leading it! I was surprised, but pleased, as I had already had a conversation with him before everyone else wanted to speak with him!

Have a Contact Card

Business cards are not just for individuals at big companies, they’re your best tool to easily maintain contact with someone and continue your conversation. It’s awkward when you have to tear a piece of paper from the conference swag bag to write down your contact information. Avoid this by bringing it ready-made. If you have business cards then you’re golden, but even printing on regular paper is fine. Just have something on hand so that you can easily make connections!

Okay so you’ve prepped and you’re at the conference. Now what?

Sit Next To Someone You’ve Never Met

It can be intimidating to meet someone completely new, but even just introducing yourself can lead to a whole new world of possibilities. Try out some of these sure- fire conversation starters:

  • “Hi, what brought you to this conference?”
  • “That last speaker was amazing, right?”

Follow that up with an introduction and a handshake. Now you’re connecting! Don’t be afraid to ask for their LinkedIn as well, it’s an easy way to make sure you can connect later on. Every network connection starts with a conversation, so don’t be afraid to take the first step!

Get inspired… and Write it Down!

Conferences are all about connecting and inspiring individuals, so when you hear the speaker talk about a book you need to read or a website that you simply must go to, write it down! Most conferences give out small books or pads of paper, they’re there to be used. There’s a constant flow of information throughout the multiple seminars and speakers, it’s impossible to keep track of everything — so make sure that you jot it down. Even writing down quotes from a motivational speaker is worth your while!

Keep In Touch

Whew, the conference is over and you’re probably in a state of excitement and exhaustion at the simultaneously. Now is the time to take stock of all the new ideas you have and the people you met. Make that follow-up connection, invite them to chat more about that common idea or even just to keep in touch.

Here are a couple of message ideas to start your Follow-Up connection:

“Hey (their name)! I really enjoyed meeting you at the (conference name). If you have any time over the next couple of weeks I’d like to meet you for coffee to talk about [(common idea), (their experiences in the industry), (potential job possibilities)] Thanks!”

Or if they’re not in the same geographic location as you:

“Hey (their name)! I really enjoyed meeting you at the (conference name). I would really like to keep in touch with you! Please, feel free to message me about (common idea) or anything else as I’d love to chat! Thanks!”

Maintain those connections and, my dear, you’ve just had a successful conference!



Kaitlin de Chastelain Finnigan
The Chic Geek

Computer science student and developer passionate about technological literacy. Connect with me on Instagram: @ Kaitlin31415