Introducing Chic Geek’s Executive Director

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The Chic Geek
The Chic Geek
4 min readApr 4, 2019


[Kylie Woods]
As many of you know, I’ve been preparing to welcome twin girls into my family this spring. This addition brings many transitions for our family at home as well as at Chic Geek.

Over the last few months, the Chic Geek board went through a recruitment process to select someone that could carry on the role of Executive Director. Specifically, we were looking for someone who could support the volunteer team to deepen our program impact, and set our strategic direction for the year ahead.

Starting this week, we are pleased to introduce Cynthia Titchkosky as the incoming Executive Director. She will carry on the vision of the organization while I take a parental leave. Welcome Cynthia!

Cynthia and I sat down for a conversation about Chic Geek and what we’re excited about in the year ahead.

Thank you for such a warm transition into the Chic Geek community. It is such an honour to carry on the work of Chic Geek for this period.

[Kylie] You are not a stranger to many here in Calgary’s tech community. Could you share a little more about your background?

[Cynthia] I have been so fortunate to spend the last 10 years working in tech. I’ve always been drawn to the industry for its progressive attitude towards innovation and welcoming culture. Most of my background is in marketing, but I’ve also had other roles in product management, operations, and client engagement.

Most recently, I led marketing at Symend, but I’ve also worked at other enterprise software companies including Chaordix and Evoco. Ecosystem development was something I worked on while I was at Alberta Enterprise. At that time, many of Alberta’s prominent organizations were launching, such as The A100 and Startup Calgary. They were models for how grassroots, volunteer-supported organizations can make significant impact. It’s something that continues to inspire me.

Chic Geek is a platform for connection and growth.

[Kylie] But that’s not all that you’ve been up to!

[Cynthia] No, I guess not! In addition to being an avid yogi, I am also a parent, alongside my husband Lance to our twin four-year old boys and seven-year old daughter.

[Kylie] What are you most looking forward to in the next year?

[Cynthia] It has to be connecting with the driven and courageous women in the Chic Geek community. Women by nature are collaborators, builders, and supporters. Over the years, I’ve been inspired by so many talented women in my own network who have been role models to me. Each with their own career path and unique approach to pursuing meaningful work. Chic Geek is a platform for connection and growth. I know that I will continue to be inspired.

[Kylie] What opportunities do you see as you transition?

[Cynthia] I hope to articulate the distinctive voice of Chic Geek and help it to find its place within the Calgary tech community. There are other fantastic organizations whose work is so complementary to what we are doing. By building stronger connections, we can amplify our collective impact in the industry.

[Kylie] What is your greatest hope for the Chic Geek community?

[Cynthia] Honestly, it’s that all women (and other marginalized groups) one day will have an equal opportunity to build interesting and meaningful careers for themselves. That only comes with support from a variety of places. The companies which employ them, the mentors who nurture them and the community which keeps them connected. When we see empowered women reaching their highest career potential everyone benefits.

[Kylie] Transitioning into a new role can be scary. What is something that will challenge you to expand your comfort zone in the upcoming year?

[Cynthia] I think that it’s common to take on a new role and strive for perfection. What is not always common, is to accept that there will be some messiness. We are human, and growth doesn’t come without some element of discomfort. Time is a precious commodity. I know that I will be challenged to effectively distribute my time across all the teams at Chic Geek. I hope that the community will be free to give me feedback on the areas that I can improve.

[Kylie] As a mom of twins yourself, do you have any advice for me as I embrace this journey into parenthood?

[Cynthia] Becoming a parent is the largest transition you will experience in your lifetime and twins certainly come with a unique set of challenges. Above all things, trust your intuition. Take the time to educate yourself about all of the issues that might come up, but sometimes the right choices come from a deeper place.

At Chic Geek, we have three core values: Be Brave, Stay Curious and Support Others. Cynthia, I thank you for taking on this role and courageously leading the next chapter of Chic Geek. I know this will be a year full of discovery and experimentation, in the spirit of Stay Curious. There will be many moments of Supporting Others as you begin to work closely with the amazing volunteer team and community we have.

Connect with Cynthia on LinkedIn, or get in touch with her at to help us welcome her to the team!



The Chic Geek
The Chic Geek

is a Calgary-based non-profit building a supportive community for women at the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship.