Must Reads For Designing Your Life

By: Charlie Cheung

The Chic Geek
The Chic Geek
5 min readDec 27, 2018


It’s a fact that the most successful business leaders read a lot. As the year winds down, check out these books that have made an impact on previous Geeky Summit presenters and jumpstart your 2019 by staying curious!

“So you want to write: A book about art, independence, and spirit” — by Brenda Ueland

Pamela Slim’s favourite book is a classic when it comes to defining the process of writing. Ueland artfully reminds us that whenever she mentions ‘writing’ in this book, she really means anything that you may love and want to do or create.With her bright spirit and infectious energy, Ueland energizes your spirit through her words making this a great book to pick up and inspire you as you dream big for 2019.

“Thinking, Fast and Slow” — by Daniel Kahneman

Recommended to us by Ramy Zhang, this book is all about parallels in the way the human mind works. Kahneman starts by explaining the two systems that drive the way we think. The first is fast, intuitive, and emotional. The second is slower, deliberate, and more logical. Both of these systems work together to shape our judgements and decisions. In an engaging read about how we think, Kahneman reveals where and when we can trust our intuitions and how we can benefit from slow thinking. His solid insight into how our choices are made in both business and personal relationships makes Thinking, Fast and Slow a worthwhile read that will transform our way of thinking.

“Daring Greatly” — by Brené Brown

As a researcher and thought leader, Brené Brown sympathizes with our greatest vulnerabilities. Stephanie Pollock recommends this book in defining the everyday uncertainties, risks, and emotional exposures that we have to go through. Whether that area is starting a new job, a new relationship, or letting go of something we found comforting in the past, Brown encourages us to dare greatly and walk forward into vulnerability with courage and our whole hearts. This book gives an honest look and challenges everything we thought we knew about vulnerability. As this year comes to an end, take a chance to pick up this book to learn how to spark a new spirit of truth and trust in the new year.

“Middlemarch” — by George Eliot

Take a seat on the couch and snuggle up next to the fireplace to enjoy Katie Womersley’s favourite book. With the setting taking place in the years leading up to the First Reform Bill of 1832, Middlemarch explores everything from art, religion, science, politics, and more. This literary classic provides some of the most remarkable characters in English literature including the idealistic but naive heroine Dorothea Brooke, beautiful and egoistic Rosamond Vincy, and Tertius Lydgate, the brilliant but morally-flawed physician. This charming book, deliberate and witty is a writer’s read to the core and a brilliant work of realism.

“Foundation Series” — by Isaac Asimov

This science fiction series recommended by Gavin Miller tells of a Galactic Empire that has ruled for twelve thousand years. Now dying, our protagonist Hari Seldon must gather the best minds of the empire to preserve knowledge and save mankind. He calls this beacon of hope for future generations, the Foundation. Before long, the Foundation finds itself at the mercy of corrupt warlords rising in the wake of the receding Empire and left with only two choices: submit to the barbarians or fight them and be destroyed. More than anything, this science fiction classic is an early work that has inspired countless brilliant stories and even more to come in this genre. If you like this book, be sure to continue on with the series and check out the preludes and sequels as well.

“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” — by Stephen Covey

For lovers of productivity, lists, and charts we have Riya Karumanchi’s favourite book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. This bestseller hardly needs an introduction but if you’ve never heard of it before, Covey provides a model that makes a person more effective personally and professionally.

“Mindset” by Carol Dweck

Ali Close recommends this book by Stanford psychologist Carol S. Dweck about the groundbreaking power of mindset. In this book, Dweck paints how success in school, work, sports, and almost every area of human endeavour can be greatly influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. To flourish means to have a growth mindset — believing that abilities can be developed. In her book, Dweck offers new insights based on her research into her concept of mindset. She introduces a phenomenon called false growth mindset meant to guide people towards adopting a deeper growth mindset.

“Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job” — by Jon Acuff

If you’ve ever found yourself speaking to people about what you do then explaining what your dream job is, Lucy Dunne has just the book for you. Surprisingly, this book called Quitter is not at all about quitting. It’s really about making the most of where you’re at. It’s great to have a dream and work towards it while enjoying the security in what you have now but this book reminds us not to ignore the good that can come from where we are at. Acuff believes that we can close the gap between our day job and our dream job so pick up this read if you’re looking to gain excellent advice on the merits of practicing excellence.

Whether you joined us this year or have been with us since the beginning, we here at Chic Geek wish you the warmest of holidays and hope you’ve been able to spend this year staying curious, being brave, and supporting others. And if you’re not then hey, what are you waiting for? We’re always welcoming new volunteers to join our team! Check out the open roles we have on our website and join our tribe!

Hope to hear from you and have the greatest and most successful 2019!



The Chic Geek
The Chic Geek

is a Calgary-based non-profit building a supportive community for women at the intersection of technology and entrepreneurship.