Are People By Nature Good Or Evil? (Part 2)

Ethan Seow
The Chill Philosopher
7 min readAug 28, 2019


In Part 1, I started by analysing why people think a person is good or evil and explored the concept of trusting people through the analysis. In this article, I’ll talk about why I believe people are by nature good.

To summarise the previous article, good and evil are often just ways to label a person, to decide whether you can trust that person.

In that argument, it goes back to the concept of whether the person treats me well, which is mostly a self-centred (not selfish) way of looking at people. Self-centredness, in this context, is specifically about how good and evil is relative to that person’s point of view.

In an extreme form, if a person kills another person in cold blood but treats you very well, would you think he or she is a good person? It seems like an easy answer “no”, but the reality is a lot larger than the question above.

I’ve known many individuals sticking by a partner or friend who does things that they disagree with. They justify it by explaining that the person has “good intentions”, often using anecdotal personal experiences.

When a person does good to you but not others, does that imply that the person is good? Can someone do unspeakable things with good…



Ethan Seow
The Chill Philosopher

Trainer, Speaker, Author, Musician, Ex-Medical Student. Ethan is a mental health maverick focused on helping people gain clarity about their thoughts