Roots of Wisdom A Story of Patience and Resilience

Learn from the wise timeless lessons of the forest

Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River
3 min readMay 22, 2024


Photo by Gustav Gullstrand on Unsplash

There was a wise old tree in a rich timberland. It remained with its branches extended out of sight very much like antiquated fingers connecting towards paradise. It had endured many tempests, watched various seasons travel every which way by, and seen numerous creatures go through ages. Although the trunk had signs of age, it stayed firm radiating harmony along with knowledge.

Close by, a little tree shuddered in the breeze, searching in marvel at the goliath, old tree close to it “How are you so solid when circumstances become difficult?” said the young sapling, barely in excess of a murmur in the midst of the immensity of the timberland.

Giggling delicately like the stirring leaves, the savvy older tree told; persistence and flexibility, youthful one, with a voice that seemed like a profound thundering from the guts of the actual earth; it proceeded to express, persistence against unfavorable weather patterns and strength notwithstanding misfortunes.

The little tree inclined his head anxious to acquire insight from the old tree. “Yet, how would I develop such characteristics?” It asked in a voice brimming with astounding, brilliant vulnerability.

In the breeze, the astute old tree delicately influenced; dropping obscured shadows onto the backwoods floor. Envision that tolerance is a slow stream, it said. Furthermore, the capacity to endure or persevere; trust for daylight after the foreboding shadows have passed, or for the downpour’s deluge that is normal inside the space of minutes yet whose approach delays for a long time. Through constancy, we sort out some way to trust nature’s cycle and infer recognizing all that will happen at its speed.

Strength is indispensable for it. The little tree asked, to some degree intrigued.

It is difficult to accept that you can be a major zone of strength for so — whispered the old tree. The rootedness under me empowers me to endure anything without falling over. We should gain from resilience — it shows us how to live amid turmoil by admitting its triumph over sheer disarray and staying confident in times when everything appears to be dubious.

After some time, the young tree turned out to be more persistent, followed the wise old tree, confided in the normal stream, and endured the unforgiving climate. Each season that passed, found it developing better and more versatile it has pushed its foundations more profound into the dirt and extended its branches upwards.

In the wake of confronting endless difficulties all through its development, the sapling at last developed into a strong tree with a thick, solid stem and weighty, flexible green foliage; yet it stayed upstanding and eminent as an explanation about the experience it had procured from the old tree.

In the core of the woods, there was a shrewd grownup tree, and close to it there was a youthful sapling; these two trees had filled together in their foundations underneath the ground. The bygone one imparted knowledge to any who would request it while simultaneously gaining from new encounters brought by youth; they reminded each other how delightful life could be on the off chance that one just knew where to look.



Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart