Shellbound Toby’s Triumph

Perseverance prevails in the great turtle race

Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River
3 min readMay 4, 2024


Photo by Randall Ruiz on Unsplash

A youthful turtle named Toby lived in Turtle Valley’s quiet green glades, with tall trees and prattling streams. Dissimilar to the rest, Toby could dream far away from his carapace. He was never this kind of reptile that moved gradually around or enjoyed being under the sun the entire day; all things being equal, he needed to become renowned and do incredible things like succeeding at each Great Turtle Race at any point held.

The Great Turtle Race was not an occasion that Turtle Valley didn’t expect; turtles from everywhere would meet up to race across the entire valley, from the stream’s overgrown banks to the concealed forests of the timberland. It was quite difficult for quickness, ingenuity, and determination.

It isn’t feasible for Toby to come out on top in the race effectively since the contenders are greater and quicker than him in addition their shell has a superior plan contrasted with his. Be that as it may, regardless of being little and slow Toby had coarseness which empowered him to complete first.

Toby began preparing for the race with an unfazed assurance. At the crack of dawn each day he would be out on the river bank rehearsing his run, encouraging himself to go speedier. Up steep slants he would walk and over deceptive obstructions, never for once letting the possibility of such a grave endeavor push down him.

The race was close, and Toby felt the sort of energy that was pervasive to all nearby. As turtles of various sizes and looks met up at the beginning stage, it was an extraordinary morning loaded up with expectation all through the valley. Exploring different members in the challenge, each showed up so ready and confident dissimilar to previously; nonetheless, he didn’t permit himself to be shaken or frightened away. He comprehended that all it accepted was perseverance as well as assurance to overcome whatever stood in their way.

As the whistle went off for the start, Toby began energetically and well. So the rest turtles moved quickly, determined by their smooth shells that slice through water in this manner arriving at the objective in the blink of an eye. In any case, Toby couldn’t allow them to move away excessively far. He utilized his flippers considerably more enthusiastically each time he took a stroke and sped up, gazing directly toward the award.

The race created and achieved many difficulties for Toby as it advanced. There were risky flows around him he expected to go through, sharp shakes to stay away from and adversaries would attempt to pass him at each corner. Eventually, he figured out how to remain concentrated during the whole time with next to no interruption till he completed it.

Finally, he was unable to conceal happiness when at last Toby delegated his work with the last touch. The crowds supported him to triumph’s foundation, where he stood pompously. In any case, amid this award from his turtle comrades, Toby understood that winning in this challenge represented something a lot greater. The entire triumph filled in as a confirmation that one could accomplish anything for however long they were sufficiently tenacious.

At last, Toby’s movement had shown different candidates a gainful example: being truly incredible doesn’t rely on how quick you move or how enormous your holder is, everything without question revolves around how committed you are and the way that strong your fantasies are. This made them regard Toby more and drove them into arrangement that any place they went, they would keep up with his personality showing assurance; it was the point at which they comprehended that anybody could be incredible given the right balance and thinking.



Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart