The Honest Squirrel’s Big Choice Nutty’s Dilemma Unfolds

Forest friends face a test in a tale of loyalty and honesty

Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River
4 min readJun 7, 2024


Photo by Włodzimierz Jaworski on Unsplash

Sometime in the distant past in backwoods where the sun never rested because of the leaves that filled it, there was a little squirrel named Nutty. Nutty had a ton of energy and he wanted to examine so everyone knew him inside the forest. The squirrel got up early following one such day; sunbeams separated through green leaves making designs on the ground underneath and in a little while he’d discovered some fortune, which truly filled his heart with joy since it had a bounty of delicious nutshells inside it.

As he thought about the celebration he would have, he felt exceptionally cheerful. This was whenever he first had seen such an extraordinary amount of nuts together, even in enormous get-togethers during winter. Nonetheless, similarly, as he was going to eat some of them, he saw something bizarre. It had the image of Hoots, the old owl who inhabited the side of the forest in the enormous oak tree on its surface, drawn previously.

Hoots was perceived for her enormous of information and being distracted ordinarily. She could always remember how much things like her glasses or her plume would vanish in anything that they had been set. On the off chance that he realized that this was to be sure of her crate, he had an issue he was unable to settle, one obliterating him wildly.

There was no question that Nutty had raised a ruckus around town when he tracked down the gem chest. Simply think about it, a winter time of year so lighthearted because there were a lot of nuts inside that would last him in any event, during serious blizzards! Also, just to finish it off, he would never again have to look for food — ever!

Other than that, Nutty’s heart needed to make the right decision. She was dependably kind to the individuals in the woods, sharing her insight and stories during the twilight evenings. He recollected the numerous evenings when he paid attention to her accounts like mesmerized finding out about the stars and the insider facts of the timberland. How is it that he could take what didn’t have a place with him when it legitimately had a place with somebody who had given such a great amount to other people?

Nutty contemplated his decision as he sat on a greenery-covered rock with the gem chest sparkling close to him. Briefly, the forest paused its breathing as he contemplated his mom’s lessons on trustworthiness and graciousness, and what he truly implied by being wealthy as far as being respected by individuals around him.

Nutty took a full breath, concluded what he would do, and shut the chest tenderly then continued towards the oak tree of Mr. Hoots reviewing how exquisite was the forest being loaded up with such a lot of pride inside him. At the point when he got to the place of Hoots by dusk, beams from sunset radiated on top of this time-old tree, giving it a brilliant touch.

“Hoots! Hoots!” Nutty yelled out. The old owl squints conscious brimming with interest, his voice reverberating through the branches.

In her delicate, hooting voice, she inquired, what brought you here, young Nutty?

Nutty depicted how he found the gem chest he accepted was hers, and Hoots listened quietly to him while looking extremely appreciative. At the point when he had gotten done, she grinned energetically at him.

She whispered Thank you, Nutty. You have uncovered amazing uprightness besides boldness today. To show my appreciation, I’d like you to have a portion of this gem even though it’s mine. We’re not considered by the wealth but rather trustworthiness of our way of behaving, she said.

At the point when Hoots gave Nutty some wild nuts, Nutty felt extremely pleased. She chose to keep the others so nobody would go without them during the cold months. Returning to his home, Nutty was feeling significantly better that he had gone with a decent decision.

From that point on, Nutty was perceived for his lively attitude as well as for his honesty and uprightness. To him, every one of the individuals of the timberland gave recognition to him and he came to realize that the trust and regard concurred to him by his companions outperforms all fortunes.

Hence, the story of the honest squirrel has been passed starting with one generation and then onto the next filling in as an illustration of being benevolent, fair, or doing the right thing despite the rewards from easy routes that accompany it.



Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart