The Little Star’s Bright Discovery

Finding light in uniqueness

Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River
2 min readApr 22, 2024


Photo by Chantal & Ole on Unsplash

Quite a while in the past, in the tremendous night sky, there existed a little star named Luna. Luna dwelled among the shining stars but consistently felt eclipsed by their brilliance. Every evening, she appreciated the amazing stars around her, yet couldn’t shake off the sensation of unimportance.

“Hey Luna, for what reason do you appear to be so dulled constantly?” asked Comet one night as they took off through the sky.

Luna let out a miserable murmur. “I’ve been putting in a lot of effort, yet regardless of how hard I work to stand out, I just can’t shake the inclination that I’m not quite as brilliant as people around me.”

Comet energetically prodded Luna with his tail. “Hey Luna, form an effort not to be too severe through yourself. We as a whole have our unique light to sparkle.”

Luna actually couldn’t shake off her doubts. She wanted to feel crippled, looking at the astonishing stars that enlightened the dull sky.

One night, Luna detected a shooting star taking off through the sky. She searched in wonderment as it left a staggering way subsequently. “Goodness my, that star is so splendid!” Luna shouted.

Luna’s friend Nova, a wise old star, heard her words. Goodness, Luna, my dear, mightn’t you at any point get it? Each star has now is the ideal time to sparkle. Since you probably won’t shine as brilliantly as others periodically, it doesn’t lessen your importance.

Luna thought about what Nova had said. Perhaps she likewise had her unique approach to shining.

Anxious to find out more, Luna went to her friends for directions. They cooperate to find various plans focused on Luna to spread. From radiating a delicate gleam to shimmering splendidly and making staggering sky plans, Luna embraced each open door to feature her particular brightness.

As every night went by, Luna’s confidence extended. She came to comprehend that despite not sparkling the most brilliant among the stars, she might in any case have an effect in her special manner.

As Luna was playing with her light one night, a little kid on Earth looked up at the sky and energetically shouted to her mom, “Look, mother! That star is shining so delightfully!”

Luna’s heart overflowing with bliss. She might not have been the most splendid star, but her delicate light gave pleasure to anybody looking up at the sky.

Since that moment, Luna completely embraced her uniqueness and emanated with certainty. She found that regardless of whether her light might seem weak or limited, it held importance plus worth. Shining among her mates in the extensive night sky, Luna understood that all in all, they enlightened the world and welcomed warmth to those on the ground.



Arpana Gupta
The Chocolate River

An Investor | Traveler| A Coffee obsessed | Writer : Curator of Emotions, Crafting Stories that Touch the Heart