We’re Looking For Funny Fiction About An Adult Who Loses A Basket Ball Game Against A Group Of Children.

It Must Be Witty And Show The Crafty Side Of Children.

Carol Townend
The Chocolate River


Photo by Magne on Unsplash

I like watching basketball

But, here is the catch;

I don’t know a thing about the game, and I have never played it either!

However, I do know it’s a fast-paced, sometimes fun and sometimes frustrating game.

I also know many of you will more than likely have played, and there are probably many people here who have taught children to play!

I have seen the game featured in a variety of films

Today, I want to add a twist to challenge our fun fiction writers or new writers if they wish to join us!

Here is a writing prompt to get you writing creatively.

Write a funny fiction about an adult who loses a basketball game against a group of children.

Your fiction must be:

  • Witty,
  • Show the crafty side of children
  • Be about school-aged children



Carol Townend
The Chocolate River

I write about many issues, and I write fiction for all ages. You can visit my Amazon page here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carol-Ann-Townend/e/B09GFV6C1C/