Christian Book Review

Review: The Second Coming of the New Age

Your spirituality may not be harmless

The Christian Book Corner
8 min readMay 8, 2020


There’s an intense interest in alternative spirituality in our culture today. From the Law of Attraction to Kundalini awakenings, from astral projection to spirit channeling, a diverse range of incredible ideas is making its way into the cultural mainstream. New Age is an umbrella term encompassing the whole of these diverse beliefs.

New Age ideas are fascinating. They attract people with promises of exciting supernatural experiences and ancient knowledge. They promise inner peace, and healing for issues that traditional religions aren’t talking about so much. And let’s face it, a big reason New Age appeals to people is because it isn’t traditional religion.

I myself fell down a rabbit hole of New Age beliefs for a time, before finding my way back to Christ. So I understand the appeal of New Age. The authors of The Second Coming of the New Age, Steven Bancarz and Josh Peck, were heavily involved in New Age for years and well-known in that realm. They understand New Age and its appeal better than most.

That makes them more qualified than the average Christian to write this book debunking New Age and its belief systems. They take on the topic from their experienced and…



The Christian Book Corner

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