

While you’re asleep, networking is still happening.

Johnathan Grzybowski
The Chronicles of an Entrepreneur
2 min readSep 19, 2013


One of the biggest misses in business today is when a business isn’t able to convey their story to their customers online. An concept that everyone dreams of is making money while they’re asleep. Well what if you can make that happen? Social media can do just that. If you have a decent following on both Facebook and Twitter your customers are constantly looking at your business, checking up on every move that you make. It might sound creepy but its true. So here is a tip to make that come true, its a simple concept; tell a story.

Everyone loves a story, whether its a story about love, sadness, underdog, and etc…We all connect with peopler and or businesses on an emotional level. In fact, many customers don’t buy from a business because they can not connect on an emotional level. Here’s why: Sometimes a company tries to make themselves sound like the “professionals” in their niche by sending out a crap ton of articles. Some businesses aren’t taking enough pictures, others aren’t taking enough videos, but above all some businesses are committing the worse foul of all, deleting post.

If an angry customer wants to rant about how bad your service is, let them. If a customers wants to throw your company under the bus, they are allowed to. So you shouldn’t stop them from doing such. Let them vent and come back with the biggest right hook of all; great customer service. Ask your customers why they had the bad experience and how you could of done a better job. Maybe even offer them something free or at the least a discount. The reason why is because if just one person sees your post about how you reacted to mean customer “X” it’ll prove to your other consumers that you give a crap. Great opportunity to shine through a lot of the garbage. People are reading your story while you’re sleeping, the question is how often are you reading your story to others.



Johnathan Grzybowski
The Chronicles of an Entrepreneur

Small Business Owner and advocate for living life to the fullest 24 Philadelphia @dinoenterprise