Jesus Did NOT Die for Our Sins

He died BECAUSE of the sins of humanity

Mateja Klaric
The Church of Circularity
2 min readAug 27, 2018


Let’s make this one thing clear — the trial of Jesus had nothing to do with dying for our sins and everything to do with politics. There is evidence that Jesus was a descendant of Kind David and thus the real king of Jews. It’s more than likely that he was brutally murdered because of that.

Even if you find it hard to believe this, it’s no secret that Jesus’ death was politically motivated. We know he died because of the corrupt leaders of the corrupt society and their sins. It’s that simple, like things usually are. The simplest explanation is usually also the one that makes most sense.

And the political explanation here sure makes a lot more sense than some elusive notions of ‘dying for our sins’ on the cross and thus ‘saving the world.’ If anything, the world hasn’t been saved, which is abundantly clear by now. No wonder too, since dying on the cross could hardly save anything.

If you want to know more, read Margaret Starbird’s well-researched book The Woman With the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalen and the Holy Grail.

No one can die for your sins to take them on themselves and set you free. That’s a lie!

Each of us will have to pay for our deeds and there is no way around it. There is a balance sheet kept for each and everyone of us and we will all have to pay according to our deeds.

The goal is to keep your conscience clear so that when the time comes your heart won’t weigh more than the goddess Maat’s feather. Do not rely on anyone, do not think Jesus’ untimely death will save you. There is only one think to rely on — your conscience. Pay attention to it and keep it clear.

Weighing of the heart of the deceased against the goddess Maat’s feather

