Sacred Animals of the Church of Circularity

These two are the opposite of each other, but are both great friends of a seeker

Mateja Klaric
The Church of Circularity


All animals and creatures are sacred, but there are two of special importance to the followers of the Church of Circularity (COC) — dog and cat. They both play a major role in spiritual development of a human.


It’s not a coincidence that ‘dog’ spelled backwards becomes ‘god.’ I know that this happens only in English and not in other languages but English is what Latin used to be — like Latin in it’s time, English has now become a universal, global language and there are very few parts of the world where it’s not yet understood.

Dog is Love, just like God is Love. By love, COC means unconditional love also known as Agape. Dog has by nature a boundless capacity for unconditional love. Dog-God thus teaches us what unconditional love is and how it looks like. A dog would die to save the one he or she loves.


Cats, on the other hand, demand unconditional love and make no compromises. They are willing to die rather than yield and have it any other way. They teach us how to give and become filled with unconditional love without expecting anything in return.

They also teach us how to set the one we love free. Getting to this level is the highest achievement one can accomplish and thus there are no animals more important and sacred than dogs and cats.

