The Kind of Insidious Rhetoric That Turned This World Into Hell

Mateja Klaric
The Church of Circularity
3 min readAug 10, 2018


Human, man, the most corrupt and unbalanced species of them all. (Hu)man was blessed and cursed with a brilliant mind, the mind that loves nothing more but telling lies under disguise of ‘reason,’ playing tricks and deceiving all who think they are smart.

Sayings things such as, ‘We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong,’ is a typical example of this. It implies that what we do to others doesn’t matter, that the victims of evil deeds are at fault and have to be blamed for their misery as if they themselves did the evil that turned their life into misery. It’s a denial of responsibility and conscience.

It’s an expression of a twisted mind that led men to devalue everything feminine, anything that has to do with emotions, feelings, and, god forbid, empathy and compassion.

Empathy and compassion have in this sick (hu)man’s world been seen as root of all evil, while it’s just the other way around and everything that is evil in this world stems from this denial of the highest qualities, of everything that is humane, of the sacred feminine.

You, men, would never make it even past first weeks of life if it weren’t for the feminine, for the unconditional love your mothers bestowed upon you. It wasn’t you who made yourself healthy and strong, it was your mothers. Without them, without your caretakers, you’d be dead, worse, you wouldn’t have even been born.

Yet, you fools and ingrates, you spit on that and call emotions ‘flawed.’ They are indeed flawed when this is what one gets in return.

You, such as you are, are spitting on love and thus you created hell for you and everyone else in this world. I vote for the eradication of this race of men. I do not mind one bit if I were the one to go first. It became unbearable to me. It’s sickening to the core.

It sickening when a person who has build his fortune through corruption and unethical means tells you that it’s all about the ‘survival of the fittest.’ No, you damned fool, what you are doing is about the ‘survival of the wickedest.’ And I’m not into that, and I am willing to renounce even my own family due to it.

I do this in hope of setting me free, but I’m poisoned and cursed by the same blood, the blood of robbers and pirates, people who have no qualms and call that being ‘the fittest’ and ‘successful.’ It’s a curse and not a kind of success one could be proud of, it’s a success of everything that is dark and evil in this world.

I renounce that, I do not wish to have anything to do with this any longer. To be in the same room, to even attend the funerals. I do not wish for any of you to attend mine. I do not wish to have a funeral, or a tomb, no memory of me, just dust to dust, that’s how it should be, that’s the way of nature.

But the way of a (hu)man nowadays is to cling to possessions far beyond what one needs for a good life. It has no limits what men wants and is willing to do to get it, failing to understand that this cannot, will never make him happy.

And then he sits there, amidst all his earthly possessions with a sour look on his face, looking like a rotten lemon, drinking 40% something that is supposed to ease the pain, sighing. And then taking a 2 week trip around the world, a swim in the pool, buy yet more land, yet more businesses, to make oneself feel better.

It doesn’t work, of course.

It wouldn’t have to be this way, it doesn’t have to be this way if you’d only care to give value to emotions, feelings, compassion for others and not just feeling sorry for yourself. If you’d only care to make this world a better place and not grab whatever you can, endlessly, keeping it greedily all just for yourself.

