Unveiling the Unusual: 3 Surprising Technology Finds That Blew My Mind

Revealing Remarkable Technological Discoveries That Redefined Possibilities

Galaxy Pungyambam
The CinderVerse


Unveiling the Unusual: 3 Surprising Technology Finds That Blew My Mind
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Hello, tech enthusiasts and inquisitive minds! Grab your favorite coffee and fasten your virtual seatbelts because we’re about to embark on an exhilarating journey through some mind-boggling scientific breakthroughs that will leave you absolutely astounded!

So, folks, brace yourselves for my top three discoveries, which I’ve recently encountered and left me pondering in bewilderment for quite some time!

1. Revolutionizing Sustainability: Harnessing E. coli Bacteria to Generate Electricity from Wastewater.

Revolutionizing Sustainability: Harnessing E. coli Bacteria to Generate Electricity from Wastewater.
Photo by CDC on Unsplash

“Wait what!” That must be excatly what your brain may sound like for a second after reading the headline lol!

Anyway, here is what the news had to say about the headline-

Recently, researchers have utilized bioengineering techniques to modify E. coli bacteria, and enabling it to generate electricity from wastewater for real! This type of advancement in the field of bioelectronics introduces an innovative method with the capacity to transform both waste treatment and energy generation which in turn opens up a great opportunities for business to be more on the green energy technology side.

And it has a huge potential if taken up on a large scale business to make a world a better place than we are right now in terms of environment and sustainability.

Here is the technical part- They harnessed the bacteria to generate electricity through extracellular electron transfer (EET), and enhancing their EET capabilities to create highly efficient “electric microbes.” which is a huge upgrade from its previous version where specific chemicals are required for electricity generation.

As per the report, the uses of its technological advancement can be utilised in broad areas such as in microbial fuel cells, electrosynthesis, and biosensing, among other applications.

And last but not the least, This bio-engineered bacteria can be tuned according to its specific environment and requirements, thanks to its genetic adaptibility, making it a versatile tool for sustainable technology development for the years to come.

2. Chemists Transform Plastic Waste into Eco-Friendly Soap Bars: A Sustainable Innovation

Chemists Transform Plastic Waste into Eco-Friendly Soap Bars: A Sustainable Innovation
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

It might be time to say goodbye to plastic junk, like for real.

So, like, think about it: Around 60% of all the plastic stuff ever created just chills out in landfills or messes up our environment. And get this, only like a tiny 10% of plastic waste ever gets a second chance through recycling, and most of it ends up as kinda meh material used for stuff like household tools or chairs and much more.

We might just find ourselves lathering up with soaps made from who-knows-what, straight from the depths of, well, random plastic waste. Yup, literally!

So, let’s get into the technical part —

To transform plastic into surfactants, chemist Guoliang Liu of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg and the team came up with this fancy reactor thing. They heat plastic in it real nice, making it all waxy with short carbon chains. Then, they top off those waxy chains with a bunch of oxygen atoms and give them a nice bath in some alkaline solution. Voila! The wax becomes surfactant magic. Mix in a splash of dye and a pinch of fragrance, and boom, you’ve got yourself these adorable little soap bars.

Well, don’t expect upcycled plastic to start cleaning up our act overnight. As per the reports right now, the researchers can only whip up roughly half a gram of surfactant in one go. But, if Liu and the gang can crack the code on ramping up this operation, they’re eyeing some sweet partnerships with the industry to make our plastic waste situation a bit tidier.

3. Breakthrough in Biotechnology: Scientists Cultivate Humanized Kidneys in Pig Embryos

Breakthrough in Biotechnology: Scientists Cultivate Humanized Kidneys in Pig Embryos
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

And now moving on to the next headlines, hold onto your lab coats because we’ve got some seriously mind-blowing news to share here.

Scientists are taking us one giant leap closer to the dream of growing real, functioning human organs for transplantation.

Picture this: They’ve actually managed to grow kidneys, yeah, the ones we need for, well, kidney stuff, mostly using human cells, inside good old pig embryos. And guess what? It’s not just another ho-hum discovery; it’s a groundbreaking achievement that’s rocking the scientific world.

These jaw-dropping results were dropped on September 7 in the prestigious journal Cell Stem Cell. Why is this so epic? Well, because it’s the first time they’ve pulled off the crazy task of creating a bona fide humanized organ. I’m talking about kidneys that play nice with both human and animal cells, all cozying up inside our piggy pals. It’s like science fiction come to life!

In recent years, we’ve witnessed some pretty wild feats in the world of bioengineering. Think rats sporting mouse-made organs, mice with rat parts, and even pigs rocking humanized skeletal muscles and endothelial tissue. It’s like Mother Nature playing mix and match with her Lego set!

But here’s the kicker: It’s not all smooth sailing on this biotech adventure. There are hurdles galore, and one of the trickiest is getting our precious human cells to thrive inside some other critter’s body. You see, our cells are picky eaters, and when you introduce them to the wild world of animals, it’s like expecting a vegetarian to live off a carnivore’s diet.

Enter the superhero of the story, Liangxue Lai, a stem cell whiz from the Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health in China. He and his team devoted a whopping five years to fine-tuning their methods, all in the name of making those finicky human stem cells feel right at home in their new animal digs. It’s like the ultimate survival challenge, but for cells!

The squad’s not stopping at kidneys; they’ve got their sights set on growing more human organ starters inside our porcine pals. That means we’re talking about the heart and pancreas, folks! Yep, they’re on a mission to make it happen.

To sum it up, they’re making a conscious effort to steer clear of potential ethical dilemmas that could emerge. By the way, I have to admit, it does raise some ethical eyebrows in my book right from the get-go!


I’m stoked I had the chance to spill the beans on some mind-blowing, wacky inventions and discoveries I stumbled upon lately. I’m crossing my fingers that you, awesome readers, got a good dose of value from it. And guess what? I’m not stopping here! There’s a whole bunch more craziness to explore, so keep those eyes peeled. Want in on the action? Just hit that “Follow” button, and we’ll keep this wild ride going!



Galaxy Pungyambam
The CinderVerse

I'm a Civil Engineer by profession, passionate about creating valuable content on Environment, Climate, Sustainability, Philosophy, and Personal Development.