Here’s why Thanos didn’t send The Black Order retrieve the Infinity Stones in 2012

Ishan Gadkari
The Cinephile Hub
Published in
2 min readDec 28, 2022


Tony Stark indirectly mentioned his reply to Ebony in Avengers: Infinity War.

Source — Google

Now, I don’t know how strong The Black Order were in the comics, but in the MCU they were sidelined.

The Black Order:

· Follows Thanos’ orders without any personal motives

· Their plan is: Attack

· They don’t want to rule over anything.

· Although they’re the best, still they’re a part of Thanos’ army

· They’re not kings so they might not think rationally at times


· Believes he’s the rightful King born to rule Asgard thus he always had a motive of being a King

· As he didn’t get to rule over Asgard, he couldn’t resist the offer of ruling Earth

· He made it personal with most of the original Avengers

· He had a plan of how he would strategically get the Tesseract thus leading the Chitauri

Thanos was afraid

In 2012, Odin, Ego and The Ancient One were still around. So, Thanos wouldn’t think of going into his FULL SNAP MODE.



Ishan Gadkari
The Cinephile Hub

I write about my experiences and views about the world.