“ Tell me again how there just aren’t that many girls in the music scene” | A Playlist

Ellie McAllister
The Cinnamon Bun
Published in
2 min readMar 18, 2018
“How To Socialise & Make Friends,” Camp Cope (Run For Cover)

We are constantly told, directly or indirectly, that the under-representation of women in music is because there aren’t enough of them to go round. Girls have no interest in playing guitar, right?, despite accounting for 50% of those who buy them. In spite of an male-dominated scene (in a physical, spatial, taking-up-room sense, as well as a commercial sense), there are loads of non-male artists making music that deserve to be heard. This playlist is only a small selection of all the awesome not-100%-male talent you could be listening to instead of another whiny dude playing misogynistic songs about his ex. Get ready to jump on the table, do more high kicks than is probably safe, sit down for a long reflective cry about how far the music scene still has to go and then pick up the pitchforks.

  1. Funeral — Phoebe Bridgers
  2. The Opener — Camp Cope
  3. Your Best American Girl — Mitski
  4. I Don’t Want to Talk About It — Muncie Girls
  5. Get Bent — Fresh
  6. Delicate, Petite & Other Things I’ll Never Be — Against Me!
  7. The Healthy One — Laura Stevenson
  8. Bus Ticket — Cayetana
  9. Well Dressed — Hop Along
  10. Cut Your Bangs — Girl Pool
  11. I’m On Fire — The Staves
  12. Turn Out The Lights — Julien Baker
  13. Recite Remorse — Waxahatchee
  14. Unfucktheworld — Angel Olsen
  15. Do Nothing — Martha
  16. Dry — Dogeyed
  17. You’re Smiling (But I Don’t Believe You) — Margaret Glaspy
  18. Planets — Joseph
  19. Remote — Perkie
  20. Maid of the Mist — Diet Cig
  21. Against the World! — Shit Present
  22. But You’re Probably Wrong — Happy Accidents
  23. Touch Me Again — Petrol Girls

Relevant stuff:

The Punk Singer (2014 film)

So, What Band Is Your Boyfriend In? (documentary)

Nasty Women

She Shreds (magazine)

