A Hidden Circle Explains Everything

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readMay 9, 2016

X and X, X to-and-or-from X, articulate (and must conserve) a circle.

X and X (X and Y) (X and X’) (Photo by Mel Poole)

X and X, X to-and-or-from X, identifies (articulates) (and must conserve) a circle. Thus, the circle, as a noun and verb, explains (and is the proper name for) everything (virtual, augmented, artificial, real).


Thus, redundancy (also known as the lie) is the basic compromise (and assumption) in nature (zero and one are, technically, circumference and diameter).

The identity of ‘one’ is ‘two,’ meaning, the complement is real (X is necessarily X’). Anything else is superfluous. Two is, technically, the minimum, and, also, the maximum, number. From Nature’s point of view.

Identity. Complementarity. Circularity. (The ‘number’ two.)

Thus, the oppositional character is, also, the complementary character, and, observation overtakes the character (is, always, ‘center’ stage). Meaning, any observation is half-the-time (thus, all-the-time) ‘true.’ (True and false, like any X and-or Y, articulate, and, thus, conserve, an uber-simple circle.)

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Meaning, an observation is half-the-time false. Thus, an observation always symbolizes (and proves) the circularity in Nature. Making it easy to predict ‘reality.’ A self-fulfilling prophecy.

Complementarity is the basis for identity, because duplicity is the basis for a unit, because a simple circle is (necessarily) conserved. Explaining everything.

Zero and one. One and two.

Conservation of the circle is the core (only) dynamic in Nature.


Ilexa Yardley is the author and the editor of The Circular Theory.

