Artificial Intelligence: The Basis for A Zero and a One

Ilexa Yardley
The Circular Theory
2 min readAug 9, 2017

Abstract thinkers understand the value of ambiguity. And, also, circular reality.

Ambiguity. (Photo by Ricardo Gomez)

Intelligence is dependent on universal, and, also, relative, duplicity. This gives us ambiguity, multiplicity, redundancy, and, fungibility. Abstract identity. Digital reality.

Men and machines use a virtual persona and circular reality in order to manipulate strings of characters. The universe does the same. All dependent on the circular relationship of a zero and a one.

This means there is a circular relationship between the virtual and real. Intelligence included. A circular relationship, then, between a man and his machine(s).

So, it’s the circular relationship (zero is circumference) (one is diameter) between a zero and a one that is the basis for computing, computing systems. Intelligence, and, the, universe. Answering the question: is the universe intelligent?

Depends on what you mean by intelligence. And, also, universe. Zero and one, are, also, yes, and, no, true, and, false. Depends on who is asking, and for what reason. Zero and one, are, also, female and male.

The rest you can figure out for yourself.

Conservation of the circle is the core dynamic in nature.

